I can hardly believe that today is my last day of working towards my degree!!!!!!
Since our final crit 2 weeks ago i have really tried to 'tighten' all my work, plus do 7 extra A1 sheets to pin up!
I am now doing some rendering over the prints to give it more depth and texture. Then i need to collect all my work from the past 2 years ready for the external examiners to see at my interview on Wednesday. I am first up in the interviews starting at 11.20 am.
I have been really positive over the past 2 weeks about my work and my grades as i have always worked my hardest on all the courses, however the other day we all found out our results for a group project in Professional Studies and we all received a D ! This is really upsetting and to be honest came as a shock, my first and only D on the course. It really put a damper on the mood for everyone in the group. It just doesn't seem right!
But like always, i must end on a positive note- we know that we have all worked our very hardest and that is what really counts. Well done everyone for all the hard work over this past year- we never thought we could make it, but here we are- we did!!!! I'm really looking forward to seeing everyones work on the wall -
and more importantly looking forward to Fridays bbq to celebrate!!
Good luck everyone on our last day- see you all tomorrow!